Childcare Centre Safety Surfacing - preserve your Synthetic Grass with CombiFlex

CombiFlex® Projects – Childcare Centre Playgrounds

Project: Children’s play area in Child Care Centre Brisbane

Requirement: Drainage and Critical fall height –  reduced surface heat, longer life of artificial grass, good drainage and reduced playground injuries.

Solution: CombiFlex® + CombiMesh under  artificial grass in Child Care Centre.

CombiFlex® provides critical fall height in children’s playgrounds.For an equivalent level of critical fall height CombiFlex weighs approximately 12% of the equivalent SBR.

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)  binder/adhesive additives are not present in CombiFlex®.

Reduced wear and reduced injuries with CombiFlex® and artificial grass

With expected changes in playground standards requiring critical fall height testing annually, CombiFlex® offers a durable long term solution for reliable critical fall height surfacing with a 5 year warranty. CombiFlex® sites have had consistent ASNZ422:2016 critical fall height results without deterioration or erosion.

CombiFlex® is made from a high impact  polypropylene copolymer and provides excellent critical fall height in children’s playgrounds. Play areas using just wet pour materials ( ie not using wetpour over CombiFlex® ) have varying reductions of critical fall height over time as the surface compacts and wears down. This results in safety reduction, ongoing maintenance and frequent replacement.

CombiFlex® requires minimal adhesive and is not impacted by the current global adhesive shortage, longer life and dryer surfaces given the drainage functionality.

CombiFlex® requires minimal adhesive and is not impacted by the current global adhesive shortage.


Drainage Tile CombiFlex being installed in preparation for artificial grass
Drainage Solution for Artificial Grass


CombiTile products meet the following Standards


AS NZ4422:2016
AS NZ4586:2013
AS TM F1292

Contact Cam Horne


CombiTile - Winner of the 2022 SAPIA AWARDS

CombiTile logo
The Sports and Play Industry Association

Sports and Play Industry Association
Category: Innovation
Winner: CombiTile Australia
Product: CombiFlex – critical fall height and drainage tile.



CombiFlex - under EPDM (wet-pour)


– under EPDM (wet-pour)

CombiFlex - under synthetic turf


– under synthetic turf.

CombiTile Australia is delighted to accept the 
Sports and Play Industry Association of Australia, 
2022 Award for Innovation, with the CombiFlex critical fall height and drainage tile.

CombiFlex is 100% Australian owned and manufactured, is recyclable, uses no VOC’s in manufacture, offers a 5-year warranty, is repositionable and weighs 15% that of recycled rubber to achieve a similar critical fall height rating.

CombiFlex has achieved a critical fall height of 2.7m (ASNZ4422:2016) under synthetic turf, and 2.5m under EPDM (wetpour).

Thank you to the SAPIA members and Board, and those within the industry and governments, and our international partners, for  supporting the Australian owned and manufactured CombiFlex product.
CombiTile will be exhibiting at the IAAPA Expo in Orlando, Florida (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions) in November with our USA distributor AquaSeal LLC.

CombiFlex + EPDM – school rooftop

CombiFlex + EPDM – school rooftop

CombiFlex – before EPDM

CombiFlex – before EPDM

CombiFlex + EPDM – school rooftop

CombiFlex + EPDM – school rooftop

CombiFlex – before EPDM

CombiFlex – before EPDM

CombiFlex – before EPDM and ?under CombiLock splash-pad tile

CombiFlex – before EPDM and under CombiLock splash-pad tile

CombiFlex – before EPDM

CombiFlex – before EPDM

CombiFlex – EPDM-school playground

CombiFlex – EPDM-school playground

CombiFlex – EPDM–play area

CombiFlex – EPDM–play area

CombiFlex – pre synthetic turf

CombiFlex – pre synthetic turf

CombiFlex – with synthetic turf

CombiFlex – with synthetic turf

original 2016 synthetic turf in June 2022

original 2016 synthetic turf in June 2022

CombiFlex – pre synthetic turf

CombiFlex – pre synthetic turf

CombiFlex – with synthetic turf

CombiFlex – with synthetic turf

CombiFlex – pre & post synthetic turf

CombiFlex – pre & post synthetic turf

Highrise Playground surfacing solution


CombiFlex® Projects – Rooftop  Playgrounds & High Rise Playgrounds

Project: Children’s play area – rooftop in Hong Kong

Requirement: Drainage and Critical fall height –  reduced surface heat, good drainage and reduced playground injuries.

Solution: CombiFlex® + CombiMesh using wet pour on high rise rooftop playground

CombiFlex® provides critical fall height in children’s playgrounds.For an equivalent level of critical fall height CombiFlex weighs approximately 12% of the equivalent SBR.

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)  binder/adhesive additives are not present in CombiFlex®.


With expected changes in playground standards requiring critical fall height testing annually, CombiFlex® offers a durable long term solution for reliable critical fall height surfacing with a 5 year warranty. CombiFlex® sites have had consistent ASNZ422:2016 critical fall height results without deterioration or erosion.

CombiFlex® is made from a high impact  polypropylene copolymer and provides excellent critical fall height in children’s playgrounds. Play areas using just wet pour materials ( ie not using wetpour over CombiFlex® ) have varying reductions of critical fall height over time as the surface compacts and wears down. This results in safety reduction, ongoing maintenance and frequent replacement.

CombiFlex® requires minimal adhesive and is not impacted by the current global adhesive shortage.





Playground surfacing in Hong Kong – critical fall height resulting in increased safety in children’s playgrounds

Highrise Playground surfacing solution
Combiflex provides childrens playground surfacing safety solution

CombTile products meet the following Standards


AS NZ4422:2016
AS NZ4586:2013
AS TM F1292


CombiTile has recently installed CombiLock® over CombiFlex® at a regional council splash pad.  The  council required splash pad safety and required a water management solution for this barefoot playground. Combitile was able to address Critical Fall Height standards and reduced water consumption.

CombiLock over CombiFlex provides 2.5 metres Critical Fall Height whilst the drainage cell of CombiLock reduces water loss by 30%. Playground fall height safety is a key concern of councils  as is splash pad maintenance – Combitile is a long term replacement for traditional pour in place (EPDM) options which require regular replacement due to their lack of chlorine and UV resistance.

Council barefoot playground – Chlorine resistant and UV resistant playground tile

Pole image of Combilock over Combiflex - safety attenuation achieved in wet playground
Pour in place /EPDM replacement in water playgrounds/splashpads

CombiTile provide a 5 year product warranty and is not reliant on adhesives.  There is  a global shortage of adhesives which is impacting the Aquatic and Splash Pad industry significantly.

CombiTile is a key strategic partner for inclusiveness as many splash parks are designed with a zero-depth entry, enabling people with mobility impairments to use the same entrance as other visitors. The lack of pooling water also encourages people of all ages and abilities to experience the fun.

CombTile products meet the following Australian Standards


AS NZ4422:2016
AS NZ4586:2013
AS TM F1292

Childrens Wet Playground Australian Open Tennis Championships 2020

Rooftop Playground -Combiflex under artifical grassng Kong


CombiFlex® Projects – Rooftop & High Rise Playgrounds

Project: Children’s play area – rooftop in Hong Kong

Requirement: Drainage and Critical fall height. –  reduced surface heat and good drainage.

Solution: CombiFlex® + CombiMesh using wetpour and artificial grass.

CombiFlex® eliminates the use of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) as the critical fall height material.

For an equivalent level of critical fall height CombiFlex weighs approximately 12% of the equivalent SBR.   Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)  binder/adhesive additives are not present in CombiFlex®.


With expected changes in playground standards requiring critical fall height testing annually, CombiFlex® offers a durable long term solution for reliable critical fall height surfacing with a 5 year warranty. CombiFlex® sites have had consistent ASNZ422:2016 critical fall height results without deterioration or erosion.

CombiFlex® is made from a high impact  polypropylene copolymer and provides excellent critical fall height in children’s playgrounds. Play areas using just wetpour materials ( ie not using wetpour over CombiFlex® ) have varying reductions of critical fall height over time as the surface compacts and wears down. This results in safety reduction, ongoing maintenance and frequent replacement.

CombiFlex® requires minimal adhesive and is not impacted by the current global adhesive shortage.






Rooftop Playground - wetpour Hong Kong
Attenuation/Critical fall height on rooftop achieved with Combiflex and wetpour

Combilex attenuation and drainage tile in preparation for wetpour
Site preparation with Combiflex drainage tile – simply laid over existing concrete – no site preparation.

Rooftop Playground - wetpour Hong Kong
Applying wet pour over Combiflex drainage and attenuation tile

Rooftop Playground -Combiflex under artifical grassng Kong
Attenuation on Roof top playground – grass over Combiflex – Critical fall height achieved plus durability

CombTile products meet the following Standards


AS NZ4422:2016
AS NZ4586:2013
AS TM F1292

critical fall geight playgrounds,


CombiFlex® Projects

Project: Children’s play area

Requirement: Critical fall height in excess of 2 metres  (over 8 feet) and certified under ASNZ4422:2016, reduced surface heat and good drainage.

Solution: CombiFlex® + CombiMesh using wetpour, providing a CFH of 2.7m (ASNZ4422:2016) and excellent drainage.

CombiFlex® eliminates the use of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) as the critical fall height material.

For an equivalent level of critical fall height CombiFlex weighs approximately 12% of the equivalent SBR.   Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)  binder/adhesive additives are not present in CombiFlex®.


With expected changes in playground standards requiring critical fall height testing annually, CombiFlex® offers a durable long term solution for reliable critical fall height surfacing with a 5 year warranty. CombiFlex® sites have had consistent ASNZ422:2016 critical fall height results without deterioration or erosion.

CombiFlex® is 100% owned, invented and manufactured in Australia from a high impact  polypropylene copolymer and provides excellent critical fall height in children’s playgrounds. Play areas using just wetpour materials ( ie not using wetpour over  CombiFlex® ) have varying reductions of critical fall height over time as the surface compacts and wears down.

CombiFlex® is distributed in the USA through Aquaseal Resurfacing LLC  – in additions to installations in Australia and USA, we also have installations in Asia and formulating agreements with European counter parties.

CombiFlex® requires minimal adhesive and is not impacted by the current global adhesive shortage.







CombTile products meet the following Standards


AS NZ4422:2016
AS NZ4586:2013
AS TM F1292